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Spark the Future: For Mars Snacking VP of Science & Technology, an early...

February 26, 2024
5 minute read

Spark the Future: For Mars Snacking VP of Science & Technology, an early interest in nature opened her eyes to a lifetime of scientific exploration

By Janet Dawson, VP Science & Technology, Mars Snacking

"What’s this? What’s that called? Why is it called that?" Looking back, I’m sure my parents were tired of my endless questions about the wildflowers I saw as a child. Yet, they encouraged my early interest in nature and botany. They bought books to help me identify the flowers and plants I encountered and joined the Dublin Naturalists Field Group so the whole family could go on nature activities together.

Those outings made a lasting impression. I remember one in particular, when we ventured out into the woods and collected as many fungi as we could find and brought them back for the experts to identify. There was another where we searched for buttercups with a non-standard number of petals (five petals are standard, in case you wondered). These experiences satisfied my curiosity and opened my eyes to the wonders of the world – they seemed endless!

That first spark of science led me to study physics, and I can’t help but smile when I think about how I’ve now come full circle with the plant science programs we run on our Mars Snacking signature ingredients. I’m grateful to work for a company that truly believes in the value of science – even considers it our superpower! Mars supports our entire process, ensuring resources are available for scientific discovery, the technology to apply it and the resulting innovations.

As human progress continues to impact our world, it’s more important than ever for science to be front and center in developing solutions. Take climate change, for example. Humans have created so many issues that threaten planet Earth – our home. Mars has addressed these challenges by using science for purpose, including ways to incorporate climate-smart agriculture and plant science to help make crops resistant, improve farmers’ resilience and protect the planet.

One of the great things about science is that it provides a lifetime of stimulation and satisfying problem solving. Years after that first spark, I still enjoy looking out for wildflowers and identifying the plants I see in my travels. I encourage young women scientists to embrace their curiosity, even when others say it isn’t cool or that there are different, perhaps better-suited, opportunities to pursue. Remember, it’s normal to not have all the answers. In fact, uncertainty is what leads to learning and keeps us alive and energized. The more problem solvers we have, the more of us there are with a “tomorrow starts today” attitude, the more likely we are to make the discoveries that will ensure our future.