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10 Associates celebrated for building a more inclusive world

When it comes to breaking down gender stereotypes, one person can’t always change the world alone, but they can change the world around them. So, for the second year of our #FlipTheStatusQuo Associate recognition campaign, we asked Associates: who’s changed your world this year?

This recognition program is one way we bring our Full Potential platform to life in our workplaces, Nearly 350 Associates nominated colleagues who changed their world. Hundreds of stories illustrated nominees' hard work to build a more inclusive world where women can reach their full potential every day through actions, big and small.

After a thorough selection process, 10 Associates stood out for their actions to break down barriers at work and in their communities. They’re bold, original, authentic, inclusive change-makers who have had a profound impact on the Associates around them. They #FlipTheStatusQuo to create a more gender-equitable world.

In recognition and support of their efforts, these 10 Associates will receive up to $10,000 USD in personal learning and development to help them reach their full potential. Congratulations to this year’s cohort!

Meet the 10 Associates:

Flip the Status Quo 2024 Associates

Top row, from left to right: Meenal Bahirwan, Anna Ieremeieva, Tricia Dunne, Victoria Gell, Frank Zahn. Bottom row, from left to right: Anastasia Morris, Lindsay Rich, Berlinda Addison Ansah, Belinda Deridder, Helen McDougall.

Meenal Bahirwani, Sustainable Sourcing Manager 
Mars Snacking Middle East & Africa

Meenal has been instrumental in leading the Shubh Mint program since 2017 in Uttar Pradesh, India, impacting over 24,000 mint farming households. She has focused on empowering women, who are crucial in agriculture but often face gender inequality, by establishing action pillars within the program. In collaboration with Tanager, Meenal has facilitated the formation of women’s Self-Help Groups and Farmer Groups, where over 8,000 women received training in various critical skills. These initiatives have led to significant achievements: women who initially couldn’t write their names have saved over $780,000 collectively, distributed 10,000 loans, and more than 500 have started their own businesses. The program has boosted the women’s sense of empowerment and self-confidence, a testament to Meenal’s passion and advocacy for women’s progress in her country.

Berlinda Addison Ansah, Cocoa Sustainability Officer 
Mars Snacking Middle East & Africa

Berlinda has been a key figure in promoting financial and economic empowerment for rural women since 2020 through the CARE Village Savings and Loans (VSLAs) initiative. She inspires these women to pursue leadership roles and serves as a role model, encouraging them to aspire to be educated, bold, and change-makers. Berlinda’s mentorship of a Zambian intern from EARTH University for three months reflects her commitment to gender representation and professional development in agriculture, a field with few female professionals. She also collaborates with a Ghanaian NGO to support Mars’ quality education pillar, motivating local schoolchildren during career days to make a positive impact in their communities. Berlinda’s dedication to gender inclusivity is evident in her efforts to ensure diverse representation and empowerment in every space she occupies.

Belinda Deridder, Legal Coordinator 
Mars Petcare Europe

Belinda has been an incredible advocate for neuro-inclusion within the Mars Inclusion & Diversity agenda. She established NeuroConnect, the first Mars Neurodiversity Associate Resource Group (ARG), creating a supportive community for neurodivergent Associates and allies. Starting with just five members, NeuroConnect has flourished into a robust group of 100 across the globe. Belinda’s efforts include engaging senior leaders to sponsor the ARG, participating in panels, and promoting open dialogue to dismantle stigmas. She has partnered with external organizations to provide neurodiversity training materials and initiated anonymous data collection to better understand neurodiversity representation within Mars. Her commitment extends to virtual coffee sessions for neurodivergent Associates and parents, fostering a culture of empathy, support, and inclusivity.

Frank Zahn, Learning Technology Senior Manager 
Mars Global Services North America

Frank Zahn has been pivotal in enhancing inclusivity at Mars, significantly improving the company’s score on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index from 60% to 100% since 2016. His initiatives have focused on non-discrimination policies, equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and families, and fostering an inclusive culture. Recently, Frank has concentrated on transgender health, family formation benefits equality, and internal training to promote diversity and cultural competency. As a leader in Learning Technology, he has been instrumental in developing educational programs that uphold Mars’ commitment to inclusion and diversity. Frank’s work extends beyond the LGBTQ+ community, advocating for gender equality and enabling women to achieve their full potential while continuing to drive important conversations across the company.

Anna Ieremeieva, Associate Relations Manager 
Multisales Europe

Anna has been a cornerstone of Mars Ukraine, creating a positive and inclusive work environment, especially during the current challenging times. Her dedication to safety, wellbeing, learning, and development, as well as her support in navigating interactions with state agencies, has been invaluable. Anna’s leadership in critical projects, such as the return of Ukrainian Associates from abroad and the restructuring of Mars Ukraine during vacancy freezes, showcases her strength and commitment. As a member of the Be Well Team and AAP, Anna’s thoughtful approach to caring for people is evident. Her embodiment of Mars’ Five Principles makes her a colleague to be proud of and a worthy nominee for recognition.

Victoria Gell, Galaxy Brand Director 
Mars Snacking Europe

Victoria has been a transformative force at Mars Wrigley UK, placing Purpose at the core of the brand strategy. She led the Skittles Pride Campaign from an annual event to continuous advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community and launched Galaxy’s Global Purpose campaign in the UK to support women’s empowerment, creating a partnership with Young Women’s Trust. Her efforts have been recognized with multiple awards, including the Cannes Lions, and have contributed to significant business growth, such as Galaxy’s 20% revenue increase. Victoria’s passion extends to developing marketing capabilities within her team, fostering personal growth and career advancement. Her exceptional contributions were honored with the Angela Willmott Award, celebrating her legacy in the role.

Tricia Dunne, Senior Customer Marketing Manager 
Mars Food & Nutrition North America

As the founder and lead of Women in Food, Tricia has been a bold and impactful change maker, organizing events for International Women’s Day and representing Food in North American ARGs and the global Women & Allies group. They have fostered inclusivity by initiating ARG networking at GIC and hosting Mars Wrigley Associates for educational sessions. Their active participation in Culinary Cares and best practice sharing across North America exemplifies their commitment to purpose and strategy. Additionally, they have established connections with Mars Austria P&O for sharing content, demonstrating a global reach and influence in advancing women’s initiatives within Mars.

Anastasia Morris, Principal Technologist Sensory 
Mars Snacking North America 
Lindsay Rich, Sr. Activity Manager 
Mars Snacking North America

Anastasia & Lindsay, co-leaders of the Support & Advocacy Pillar for The Family Tree ARG community, have been pivotal in enhancing parental support. They facilitated the launch of the ‘ABCs of Parental Leave’ Toolkit and worked on expanding the Parental Leave Pilot beyond Mars Wrigley Sales. Their efforts contributed to a 15% increase in feelings of being “very supported” by Mars (as per the ARG’s 2023 survey). The Family Tree community celebrated caregivers with the 2nd Annual Month of Mothers in May, promoting engagement and connection. Their initiatives have significantly improved the support system for parents within Mars, reflecting the company’s commitment to its Associates’ wellbeing.

Helen McDougall, General Manager 
Multisales Europe

In 2023, Helen founded Women in Conversation (WiC), a non-profit organization aimed at empowering women in leadership roles. WiC’s mission is to address the challenges women face in the workplace by discussing sensitive yet crucial topics. The inaugural WiC networking event was a source of inspiration, featuring stories from women leaders and providing networking opportunities to shape attendees’ futures. This initiative reflects a commitment to fostering dialogue and support among women striving for leadership positions.