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Mars Food’s Fiona Dawson Responds to COVID-19

Originally published on LinkedIn by Fiona Dawson, Global President Mars Food, Multisales and Global Customers

During such a period of deep uncertainty, it is critical that we are able to continue feeding the communities we serve. Mars Food is always working to create better food today for a better world tomorrow, and it’s never been more important to do this than it is now, as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

In my 32 years at Mars, I never have been more proud to be part of a team that is so dedicated and passionate about continuing to supply our products. They have blown me away with their resilience and commitment to overcome the challenges of the current situation. In particular, our Associates managing the supply chain are working incredibly hard to ensure that Mars Associates’ health and safety remains our number one priority, while also readjusting our factories to enable us to continue to operate.

I am humbled by each of our Mars Associates and want to thank them for the phenomenal work they are doing. This includes working with our local communities to provide food for those who need it most right now. We were able to mobilize quickly to provide healthy meals and essential supplies to those in need, and to support health care professionals working tirelessly on the front line. Together, our Mars Food and Multisales business units have donated more than $3.75 million in cash and in-kind products to provide COVID-19 crisis relief.

Around the world we are partnering with organizations, such as Feeding America (the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the United States) and the Trussell Trust (the largest food bank network in the United Kingdom) to provide food and financial donations to the communities most impacted by COVID-19.

The efforts are part of our continuing community giving programs and the $20 million commitment made by Mars, Incorporated in response to support COVID-19 relief.

As a food company, we know the power of food. What we eat and who we share it with is important, and our ambition is to inspire family cooking and meal sharing around the world, and champion the importance and benefits of cooking and eating together.

Like so many of you, I am spending more time at home, which has meant many more shared meals as a family. Our meals are often based on whatever I have in the fridge and the contents of the weekly online order and local farm shop fruit and veg delivery. I love cooking and I wait with great anticipation to see what actually arrives! However, I have also found myself going back to recipes I have cooked for years, to comfort food with familiar smells.

Stay safe and stay well.