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Recommended acquisition of Hotel Chocolat Group plc

Press Release
November 16, 2023
3 minute read


Rule 2.7 Announcement

RNS announcement – publication of scheme document

RNS announcement – results of Hotel Chocolat’s Court Meeting and General Meeting

RNS announcement – Court Sanction of the Scheme of Arrangement


Other agreements

Cooperation Agreement(Opens a new window)

Confidentiality agreement(Opens a new window)

Clean team agreement(Opens a new window)

Joint defense agreement(Opens a new window)


Irrevocable undertakings

Founder irrevocable undertaking – Angus Thirlwell(Opens a new window)

Founder family trust irrevocable undertaking – Thirlwell Family Trust(Opens a new window)

>Founder irrevocable undertaking – Peter Harris(Opens a new window)

Founder family trust irrevocable undertaking – Harris Family Trust(Opens a new window)

Director irrevocable undertaking – Jonathan Akehurst(Opens a new window)

Director irrevocable undertaking – Gregory Hodder(Opens a new window)

Director irrevocable undertaking – Sophie Tomkins(Opens a new window)

Shareholder irrevocable undertaking – Phoenix Asset Management Partners(Opens a new window)


Shareholder letter of intent

Letter of intent – Phoenix Asset Management Partners(Opens a new window)


Financing arrangements

Term Credit Agreement(Opens a new window)

Fee letter relating to the Term Credit Agreement(Opens a new window)


Consent letters

Consent letter (2.7 announcement) – Morgan Stanley(Opens a new window)

Consent letter (2.7 announcement) – Lazard(Opens a new window)

Consent letter (2.7 announcement) – Liberum(Opens a new window)

Consent letter (scheme document) – Morgan Stanley

Consent letter (scheme document) – Lazard

Consent letter (scheme document) – Liberum

Consent letter (Rule 15 letters) – Lazard

Consent letter (Rule 15 letters) – Liberum


Rule 2.11 communications following Rule 2.7 announcement 

Rule 2.11 letter to employee representatives(Opens a new window) 

Rule 2.11 letter to optionholders (email)(Opens a new window)

Rule 2.11 letter to optionholders (post)(Opens a new window)

Rule 2.11 letter to shareholders (email)(Opens a new window)

Rule 2.11 letter to shareholders (hard copies)(Opens a new window)

Rule 2.11 letter to shareholders (post)(Opens a new window)


Rule 2.10 disclosure

Rule 2.10 disclosure in relation to Phoenix Asset Management Partners(Opens a new window)

Further Rule 2.10 disclosure in relation to Phoenix Asset Management(Opens a new window)


Scheme Document and supporting materials

Scheme document

Form of Proxy – Court Meeting

Form of Proxy – General Meeting

Form of Election for the PSA

“Know Your Client” Form

Articles of Association of Hotel Chocolat

Amended Articles of Association of Hotel Chocolat

Bidco shareholders’ agreement

Bidco charter

Bidco bylaws


Financial information incorporated by reference

Hotel Chocolat’s Trading update for the 13 weeks ended 2 October 2023

Hotel Chocolat’s Annual Report and Accounts 2023

Hotel Chocolat's Annual Report and Accounts 2022


Rule 15 letters and employee communications

Rule 15 letter – LTIP

Rule 15 letter – SAYE 2020

Rule 15 letter – SAYE 2023

Employee communication – FSP

Employee communication – SAYE 2021