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New Climate for Business: A Decade For Action

Running around the woods and creeks of Maryland and New Hampshire during his childhood, Former Chairman Stephen Badger had a strong connection to nature and that all was right in the world.  His son does not feel that same sense of security. 

Speaking to business professionals at the Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) sustainable business strategies and solutions conference in San Jose, Calif. Badger expressed concern that the younger generation is burdened with critical global issues that will impact their future.

Badger commented on the science, which clearly says the world isn’t on a trajectory towards a viable future, and that we have roughly 10 years to address the critical issues.

"Time isn’t on our side,” said Badger. “We have to lean in to drive progress on the critical issues – from global climate change to water stress – from biodiversity loss to human rights – from gender inequality to addressing poverty in global agricultural supply chains.”

Planning Now for a More Sustainable Future

  • Badger outlined imperatives for businesses to help create a future where all people can thrive, without further endangering the remarkable biodiversity of the planet that supports our very existence.
  • Set science-based targets to guide strategies leading to transformational, not incremental change.
  • Tackle systemic challenges in the global agricultural supply chains upon which the consumer packaged goods industry relies.
  • Come together as industry peers to align on new standards that create value for the bottom line, society and the environment.
  • Demand decisive and urgent action from political leaders.

Badger shared details of Mars’ $1 billion investment in our Sustainable in a Generation Plan along with progress so far in cutting greenhouse gas emissions through renewable electricity – and launching the ‘Palm Positive Plan’ which aims to deliver 100% deforestation-free palm oil by the end of 2020.

“Ten years is not a long time to make the changes needed,” said Badger. “At Mars, we believe that the world we want tomorrow starts with how we do business today. This next decade will define us as a generation of leaders. And, it will decide the future of the generations that follow us.”