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Mars CEO: Your people are your biggest asset—show them you mean it

February 13, 2024
2 minute read

By Poul Weihrauch, CEO/Office of the President


“Why should I work for you? And what good are you doing for society?”


When I graduated from university in 1992, I wouldn’t have dared to ask such questions at an interview, I was just happy to get a job! But today it is usually one of the first things we hear from people at the start of their careers. The new generations are putting these challenges to employers and voting with their feet. Expectations of an employer have changed and that is not limited to the young.

It doesn’t mean business should naively follow the latest fad or NGO call, but if we are to continue to grow and thrive in the coming years, our ability to secure the brightest minds will depend on how compelling our answers are to these most fundamental questions. Without the right people, a business will at best under-perform or at worst fail. And we need businesses to perform so we can continue to invest in people and the planet.