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CEO Poul Weihrauch reveals ambitions for delivering growth and positive...

Photo by Cheriss May

In an exclusive interview in the Financial Times(Opens a new window) published on March 23, 2023, Mars Chief Executive Officer Poul Weihrauch discusses the ongoing business transformation at Mars and his ambition for delivering growth while also doing the right thing for our people and the planet.

Weihrauch draws on his long career at Mars across Food, Mars Snacking and Petcare to highlight why Mars is so unique: the commitment of the Mars Family to create “a mutuality of benefits” for Associates, suppliers, distributors and consumers and our ability to think in generations, not quarters.

Weihrauch also talked at length about the role of purpose as a strategy and explaining how for Petcare it means “we are only in businesses that create a better world for pets."

The piece talks about how being a private company allowed Mars to put Associates first during Covid, how we are building sustainability in everything we do, including our M&A strategy, and how investment in digitalization and R&D is unlocking sustainable growth opportunities.

It also shines a light on Weihrauch’s ambitions to accelerate growth, and how he is transforming the business in response to societal trends. Mars now has 12 brands with sales above $1bn. It references our ambition to “double sales by 2033 while almost tripling spending on a sustainability agenda that spans redesigning packaging, cutting greenhouse gas emissions and eliminating forced labour from cocoa supply chains.”

Read more here(Opens a new window).